Team Building

 Similar to managers, committees for the most part function “okay”. It’s estimated that okay in this sense is around 65%–committees have a way to go before reaching an ideal level. Since so many activities are driven by committees in all settings today it is imperative that steps be taken to improve their performance.

 Team building creates a team that works together toward a common goal by increasing connections across the participants. This process includes a recognition of the unique contributions that each member of the team can provide and an intentional willingness to consider all ideas in the decision-making process. A key factor in the recognition process is a realization that differences across individuals are to be celebrated.

 Improving team performance has many direct benefits. Steps to improve communication and a sense of belonging and importance among individuals is requisite for ensuring that the committee functions at their ideal level. Such inclusiveness builds trust, increases accountability, encourages unique and innovative solutions to challenges, and boosts engagement by all members.

 Our model first assesses the innate strengths and abilities of each individual. Although all share a set of common abilities, the relative strength of those abilities differs across individuals. We then discuss the optimal interactions between those different strengths rather than allowing the differences to separate us. Incorporating these principles significantly increases committee member interaction, communication, and ultimately the committee’s success.

 This activity is accomplished as a two-day seminar or as series of two-hour sessions.